How does a septic system work?
A septic tank is a large concrete or steel tank that is buried in your yard. It holds wastewater and debris from home plumbing use, and the wastewater is filtered out through a drain field.
How often should my tank be pumped?
Bacteria in your septic tank naturally break down waste matter and slow the buildup of a layer of sludge. Once this layer accumulates, it’s time to have your septic system pumped. This is typically every five to seven years.
How can I prevent sewage backup and tank failure?
Having your system pumped once every five to seven years (this can vary depending on your tank size and septic use) will greatly prevent the chance of inconvenient—and costly—damage to your property by way of sewage backup.
Can I perform service to my tank myself?
Gases released from your septic system can be extremely harmful to your health, the environment, and your property. Always call a trained professional to have your system serviced or with any related questions or concerns you may have.
What kind of septic service does Area Septic Services provide?
We offer complete pump out and disposal for residential septic tanks. We also provide portable toilet rentals at your request.
Which towns does Area Septic Services service?
Area Septic Services proudly serves the Delhi, NY area, including Franklin, Hamden, Andes, Fleischmann, Stamford, Davenport, and beyond! Contact us today to see if we can help you.